Saturday, April 25, 2009

Books Alert : Finance Book's by Azizi Ali ( Millionaire are from different a Planet ! ) and ( The Millionaire in Me)

Lately, I'm very obsessed with finance and investment (since I have the spare time anyway) . So, I just bought 2 books from ebay written by Azizi Ali( It cost me RM 55 for 2 books. sigh). Millionaires are from a from a different Planet! and The Millionaire in Me.

Personally, I don't really like the context and the info from Millionaires are from a Different Planet ! . The book just teach us basic stuffs about finance management
. I want to learn more in value investing . PE ! EPS ! Growth Rate ! ROI !. I recommend self-millionaires books from Adam Khoo instead . They are way better. ( Even the pages are nicer ! ) Perhaps I need to buy other books from him in order to learn those stuff's.
My Rating : 2 over 5

My Rating : 3 over 5

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